Today a new generation meets the boogeyman for the first time. The remake of “Nightmare on Elm Street” is now open in theaters nationwide.
The movie is getting panned by most major critics. This blogger recommends instead checking out the 1984 original, or the self-aware follow-up "Wes Craven’s New Nightmare," where Freddy haunts the actors and crew behind the first film.
The franchise is about a child murderer who was burned alive by a mob of angry parents and returns to haunt their teenage children in their dreams.

Director Wes Craven reportedly came up with the premise after reading in the news about a group of young Cambodian refugees who, haunted by terrifying nightmares, refused to sleep. The group had escaped the countries genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, only to face those same fears in their dreams while safe in America. This is where it gets chilling -when they gave in and returned to sleep, they died.
Craven described his reaction to the article he read in the Los Angeles Times:
In the middle of the night they heard these horrendous screams and crashings and they ran in and he’s thrashing on the bed. They ran to him and by the time they got to him he was dead. They did an autopsy on him and there was nothing physically wrong with him. And I just thought: “My God.”
Researchers believe the deaths were caused by a mysterious disorder called sudden unexplained death nocturnal syndrome. Otherwise healthy men from Southeast Asian countries ages 20 to 45 years old suddenly die in their sleep.
Some in Thailand and the Philippines believe the incidents are supernatural. A spirit comes to kill them by sitting on their chests while they sleep. This belief is not unlike the “Nightmare on Elm Street” antagonist. To avoid the spectral threat, some Thai men would disguise themselves as women.
Though researchers have offered a variety of hypothesis over the last few decades, none have held up. Many have not been disproven either. Relatives of some of the victims describe hearing a sudden gasp for air, before they died.
In “Nightmare on Elm Street,” the victims tried to stay awake to avoid Freddy Krueger’s nightmare assaults. Coming up Sunday morning on the blog, find out what doctors say they should have done instead.
Image courtesy New Line Cinema
maybe feddy krueger is actually real
ive had dreams about him since i was little .evrything is begining to make sence freddy krueger is REAL!!!!
I have just had a dream about Freddie i dont scare easily but I think that these freddie
movie are a cover for the real thing and very dangerous Fredddie is real anyone holla back with fact i have just had the nightmare
hahahahhahahahha well i saw him and i gave him a big big kiss smack in the mouth he loved it.
Hey guys its me freddy sorry for killin everybody and stuff just gotta do it that's all.
use r all retarted no such nonsense losers i might giv him a big kissy kissy
i drempt about jeepers creepers for reall but some how i can make my night mares beeter dont show fear and show lov i did what i nneeded to to survive that dream
I had a dream about a killer named Freddy Krueger...three years before i ever heard about the movie or anything on that topic
I belive the films are just a coverup too, but of course Wes wont come out and say it, at the rick of sounding crazy...but i belive hes real... at least, in the dreams...its hard to explain
u all crazy freddy aint real ive had dreams about the grim reaper killing everyone then i woke up freddy aint real thats like saying jason vorhees is real or michal myers
one two im coming for u three four better lock your door five six dont sleep again
Yes,,I think he is real. I had a dream last night. It was quite terrifying in fact. :( I am now scared to go to sleep because wat if he does come back,in my dream it felt quite real. But can anyone truly answer if hes real or not? Help?
I have dreams about Freddy too. I am friends with him because I agreed to scare some people, not kill, and he promised not to hurt me. we get along really well now. I even give him hugs sometimes . he made me a glove like his but out of silver. It is really awesome. He can give me anything he wants because he can make anything he wants appear. He gave me a kitten last week. I named her Ranna. She has black fur and purple eyes. He has gone after a couple of my friends. I can get him to stop gving nightmares to certain people though. I will ask him to stop scaring you guys. :)
"I Had A Dream" This one was about Freddy Krueger.I had sex with him. He killed everyone I knew so he could have me to himself.
I've had dreams of Freddy Krueger when I was a teenager. It was when I was very young through fifteen. He never tried to kill me though. I think I might have been his girlfriend in the dreams! As a child I had a warped mind, I guess... I actually thought he was hott! The thought of him being real kind of creeps me out!
Of course he's real, I'm married to him.
I THINK HE'S SEXY. LOL, I wrote the best book in my life, very descriptive, and my mom invaded my privacy on my laptop and deleted all my beatiful stories. 8(
Guys.this is serious.i nearly died one night.he was all over me in my dream and i could not kill him.i crash him,cut him,do everything but he kept regenerating and chasing the dream i try to wake up,but i just could not.i screemed for someone to wake my body,but no one did.when i felt relaxed and gave up.i woke up.i wish u all could know how i felt.but even if he is not real,that movie can kill.a spirit can manifest within ur dream and use the fear to kill or torture u.i can tell u all my story.jus mail
It's called Sleep Paralysis. It's
Real. And that only... It's when u wake and
Can't move, and may see hear or feel things during the brief 10-60 second period called hypnogogic hallucinations. It's a sleep disorder caused by anxiety. Scaring yourself /fear induces it. What causes your body not to move is your brain releasing a natural sleep chemical only released within the REM sleep cycle. It prevents your body from acting out the dreams. There are tons of scenarios that may happen but it's all the same. And you can't die. If a person dies then it's called FKD syndrome. Short for freddy Kruger death syndrome. And if you believe THAT then you should die.
-sleep doctor
I had a dream...and Freddie killed my sister in her dreams about a year ago I havent been able to sleep very well since & I dont have friends anymore because no one believe me, people think they murdered her but no I was there. Its hard to concentrate because hes always there hes everywhere and I dont know what to do, he raped me in my dream and I get nervous when im around him, scared, me before its too late.
About a year or two ago Freddy appeared in my dream. It was just Freddy and me in an empty white room. I was standing in the middle, I think I was wondering where I was. Something told me to turn around, so I did so. I saw no other but Freddy Krueger...I wasn't scared, just confused. He was just staring at me. He looked a little curious and interested (not in the horny way). I kinda stared right back, every so often looking the other way because I was getting a little irritated. I screamed "WHAT!?" then I woke up.
Lol I wish he'd show up again so I could ask him why he was staring so much.
Guys, I am just simply saying that there is NO such thing as Freddy Krueger Syndrome. There is a such thing as getting so scared in your dream, or it feeling so real that you have a heart attack. But, there is NO such thing as Freddy Krueger Syndrome or Freddy Krueger. He is made believe. Fantasy, fake. He was made on the movies to scare people. Obviously, he's scared you guys on the movies so well that you guys think he is real. He is fake. Trust me.
All you need is awake pills, Red bull, coffee, cafinated drinks, 5 hour energy, and a backbone. Stay awake. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T FALL ASLEEP
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